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How to Hang On to Your High Potentials

85% companies do not have enough qualified successors for the key positions to continue the development story in Asia and North America. Your company may also be one. An HBR article supported by research reveals the strategies for executive search, retention, and performance- he war for...

The 20 Skills that your Employees Need

In the age of information technology, we are flooded with information every minute. The social media has become a new trainer in which everybody is training but hardly anyone is learning. Someone tells us positive thinking is the most important skill for life while others...

Measuring RoI of Training & Development

You cannot improve what you cannot measure. And, you cannot measure because you do not know how to measure. Most of the organizations find it difficult to measure the Return on Investment (RoI) of Training and Development. The lack of clear measures of RoI of...

Can we rely on AI to eliminate workplace bias?

A report by Accenture reveals that AI could double annual economic growth rates in 2035 by changing the nature of work and creating a new relationship between man and machine. Among all the benefits the technology offers, what grabbed our attention was its ability to eliminate workplace...