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Leadership Lessons from Supreme Court Crisis

The four senior-most justices of Supreme Court (SC), Justice Chelameswar Justice Rajan Gogoi, Justice Madan B Lokur, and Justice Kurian Joseph, held an unprecedented press conference to voice their conflict with the Chief Justice of India (CJI), Justice Dipak Misra, on January 12, 2018 -...

Turning Employees Into Brand Champions

Rakesh Seth throws some light on how employee engagement and internal branding can set your Brand image amongst employees as well as externally, so that it may instil a drive of longevity and resourcefulness amongst your employees. Based on the study of the culture of...

Scouting the Future Leaders in Your Organization

Companies want leaders who have the foresightedness, are committed and offer practical solutions, instead of taking a back seat. Not only will their passion be infectious to their teams, it also indicates they will fight for the longevity of the organization. An article from employee performances...

How HR can help build a strong workforce of the future

HR must partner business strategically. In doing so, they must nurture and develop leaders for the future, grooming them into future leaders with the skills to take on ever-changing business environments. An article from Forbes explains strategies that could be implemented include cross-functional or cross-geography experience. India is...