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Open Up! Creating An Open Door Policy For Your Workplace

The Red-tapism in private sector is usually invisible impeding growth of many organizations. But the good news is that it also has a solution – Open Door Policy. A comprehensive article discussing why-to and how-to of open door policy for the success of organizations by

We’d like to talk about defining the open door policy for your work.

Sure, you’ve heard of the policy — you may even be tossing the words around your office already. After all, it’s a quick fix, right? Just open up your doors, get some feedback, and get on with your day.

Not so fast. An open door policy that’s just tossed together without thought can cause more problems than it fixes.

A bad open door policy can undermine relationships between employees and supervisors. It can end up wasting valuable time. And, worst of all, it can actually create a culture of even more secrecy.

Open door policies aren’t new, but just because they’ve been around for ages doesn’t mean most companies are taking advantage of them — or are getting the best benefit out of them.


An open door policy is business lingo for an office culture where any employee — no matter their job title — has access to senior management without going through their direct supervisor. In theory, this gives employees a sharp pair of scissors to cut through the bureaucratic red tape.

Employees may want to talk about:

  • Suggestions and feedback
  • Process improvements
  • Questions and clarifications
  • Concerns with management
  • Concerns with safety
  • Complaints
  • Reporting a problem with a coworker


Companies reap tons of benefits from opening up the lines of communication:

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