Using Technology to empower Talent Management
With technological advancements, there is an array of tools that have been emerging as an aid to help HRs inculcate efficiency in talent engagement and management. Some of these have been explained in details in an article from emplo.
Talent management begins with recruiting, well, talent. For human resource (HR) managers in the past, that looked like a stack of resumes and a red pen. Luckily, today technology can help to somewhat automate that process. Now you don’t have to be combing through resumes that obviously just aren’t right – you can use technology to empower talent management.
HR technology is changing.
HR technology has taken some great leaps and bounds in the past few years and it’s more than just automated resume software that can give HR managers a boost in terms of recruiting, training, and retaining top talent. Now, there’s been a lot of think pieces written about the buying habits of Millennials, but the thing to keep in mind is that for younger generations, employment is also seeing a shift in the same direction.
The short story is that people are shifting towards looking for an experience. While the technology to some might be the great equalizer or offer more accessibility, we’re here to say that we think it might actually be the great humanizer – when used the right way. Through technology, companies, managers, prospects, and employees can engage in conversations and community together.
We think it’s possible to use technology to empower talent management and offer a fully connective human experience at the same time.
Here are the technology trends we see that savvy HR managers can use to empower their talent management.
Get social.
Social media is here to stay. That’s obvious, but what might be less obvious is the way it is informing and affecting our interpersonal relationships even outside of technology. Employees increasingly want real-time performance feedback in small easily digestible snippets. While popping by every employee’s desk every day might not be realistically possible, technology can bridge the gap. Software tools like emplo can integrate internal communication, performance management, and employee management in one online platform which can make it much more achievable for a busy manager to have regular check-ins with her employees.
Big data is a big deal.
Analytics are key for every other aspect of your business. Why would talent management be any different? Track key performance indicators like turnover by salary, age, and gender with dashboard solutions in real time for a more up-to-date whole picture.